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Artist Name:
Ludovico Technique
Ludovico Technique
Ludovico Technique
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Ludovico Technique started in the very very early days of 2006. There was Jake, an obscure boy from market town Tonbridge. He had a friend called Sarah, a girl from local Pembury who he went to a theatre club with. Jake played guitar and Sarah played bass. They decided to start a BAND…..

After fooling around for the December of 2005, they eventually found a drummer in Max, a boy Jake new. Now, Max reckoned he could play drums. Neither Jake nor Sarah had heard him play so they weren’t sure. But it turned out that Max used to listen to bands like Murderdolls and Slipknot, so he was, in fact very good at staying in time and could do ridiculously fast fills and other stuff like that.

They had their first band practice in January and came up with the foundations for one song. It turned out that Max and Sarah didn’t see eye to eye. This even lead to Jake and Sarah not seeing eye to eye for a while. After much debate, they got John in, a half Lancastrian half Italian boy from the Easterly town of Ditton.

They had about three songs before it came to the first recordings. These were done onto a tape and weren’t heard by that many people. Fortunately Jake knew someone from a band who was a bit more ‘well-known’ and he had a listen and liked it. This presented better gig opportunities in the future.

They then proceeded to put these rather shabby recordings onto CD at a bedroom style studio in Tunbridge Wells. It turned out that these recordings were a bit bare and hollow.

Consequently, the boy who helped with the recordings was also and ace on the synth. He offered to fill in for this hollow sound. His name was Jacob and he lived in the Southerly ‘upper market’ town of Tunbridge Wells. The new Ludovico Technique began to take shape


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