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Artist Name:
Smokin' Tequila
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I guess there are a lot of things that you could put in a band bio. Success, failure, member changes, style changes, sex changes, gigs, guitars, groupies and…um…

Well, you get the point. We used to be Sweetleaf but now, well, we're not.
We used to have other musicians in the band but now, we don't. We used to suck, but now…..

Nah. I can't lie, we still suck! But the important thing is that we PUT OUR
HEARTS into sucking. Which, by laws of conviction makes us better than 99% of the music your likely to hear. Well, at least the stuff your forced too hear.

We don't come from anywhere worth mentioning, so we won't bother. See, when
it comes down to it, its all about the music! Were not really important.just listen to our stories of confusion, joy, violence, anger, alienation, drugs, inspiration, fear, stupidity and insignificance. Hopefully, some of it will make you happy, some of it will make you angry, some of it will make you think. And most of it will make you wanna jump around and break stuff. At least, that's what we were aiming for. Our songs speak more about who we are than anything we could put in a biography. 


10 December 2006

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